Design a system to calculate average travel times between locations.
API Methods:
public void pickup(int timestamp, String pickUpLocation, int shopperId)
public void deliver(int timestamp, String deliverLocation, int shopperId)
public double calculateAverage(String locationA, String locationB)
Example Usage:
pickup(0, "A", 1); // shopper1 picks up at location A at time 0
deliver(5, "B", 1); // shopper1 delivers at location B at time 5
pickup(0, "A", 2); // shopper2 picks up at location A at time 0
deliver(6, "B", 2); // shopper2 delivers at location B at time 6
calculateAverage("A", "B") -> 5.5 // Average of (5 + 6)/2
Design a versioned key-value store with timestamp support.
Part 1: Basic Store
KV kv = new KV();
kv.set("foo", "bar");
kv.get("foo"); // Returns "bar"
Part 2: Version Support
KV kv = new KV();
long timestamp = kv.set("foo", "bar");
kv.set("foo", "bar2");
kv.get("foo", timestamp); // Returns "bar"
kv.get("foo"); // Returns "bar2"
Part 3: Time-Based Retrieval
KV kv = new KV();
long timestamp = kv.set("foo", "bar");
kv.set("foo", "bar2");
kv.get("foo"); // Returns "bar2"
kv.get("foo", timestamp + 750); // Returns "bar"