Detect a scrambled word within a given string from a list of candidate words.
function containsWord(words: string[], str: string): string | null
words = ["cat", "baby", "dog", "bird", "car", "ax"] str = "tcabnihjs" Output: "car"
words = ["cat", "baby", "dog", "bird", "car", "ax"] str = "tbcanihjs" Output: "cat"
Find a word within a 2D grid where consecutive letters can be below or right.
function findWordLocation(grid: string[][], word: string): number[][]
Example: Grid: [["c","c","x","t","i","b"], ["c","c","a","t","n","i"], ["a","c","n","n","t","t"]]
Word: "catnip" Output: [[1,2],[1,3],[2,3],[3,3],[3,4],[4,4]]
Time: O(r * c * w) Space: O(w)
Design a system to analyze web resource access logs with three main components:
Input: Array of [timestamp, userId, resourceId]
Example logs:
["58523", "user_1", "resource_1"],
["62314", "user_2", "resource_2"],
["54001", "user_1", "resource_3"],
["200", "user_6", "resource_5"]
Output: Map of user to [min, max] timestamps
user_3: [53760, 53760],
user_2: [54060, 62314],
user_1: [54001, 58523]
Task: Find resource with most accesses in any 5-minute window
Input: Same log format
Output: [resourceId, accessCount]
most_requested_resource(logs) => ['resource_3', 3]
// resource_3 accessed at 53760, 54001, and 54060
Task: Build probability graph of resource transitions
Input: Same log format
Output: Adjacency list with probabilities
Example Output:
'START': {
'resource_1': 0.25,
'resource_2': 0.125,
'resource_3': 0.5,
'resource_6': 0.125
'resource_1': {
'resource_6': 0.333,
'END': 0.667
- Include START state
- END is terminal state
- Probabilities based on user transitions