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Interview Questions

Content Moderation Email Generator

Asked at Roblox
string manipulation

Generate automated emails for content moderation based on detected keywords.

Function Signature:

function generateContentModerationEmail(
  detectedKeywords: string[],
  keywordToCategory: string[],
  categoryToInstruction: string[]
): string

Example: Input:

  • Keywords: ["hack", "heroin"]
  • Categories: ["hack,Hacking", "heroin,Drug"]
  • Instructions: [ "Hacking, Please ensure that cheating mechanisms are reported promptly to administrators.", "Drug, Please be aware of drug dealing in the game, report to police if necessary." ]


Subject: Detected Keywords in the Game

Dear User,

Our system has detected the following types of activity in the game:

Hacking: Please ensure that cheating mechanisms are reported promptly to administrators.
Drug: Please be aware of drug dealing in the game, report to police if necessary.

We encourage you to remain vigilant and take the appropriate actions outlined above.

Best regards,
[Your Organization's Name]

Path Sum in Binary Tree

Asked at Roblox
binary tree

Find number of paths in binary tree that sum to target value.

Function Signature:

function pathSum(root: TreeNode, targetSum: number): number


  • Path can start from any node
  • Must follow parent-to-child direction
  • Count all paths summing to target

Example: Input:

  • Tree: [5,4,8,11,null,13,4,7,2,null,null,5,1]
  • Target: 22

Output: 3 Paths: [5,4,11,2], [5,8,4,5], [4,11,7]

Solution: Use recursive approach with hashmap for cumulative sums.

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